Extra Credit: Breathing

Throughout our lives we encounter a time where "breathing" becomes a topic or is emphasized during an activity.  When we are exerting energy especially in a physical fitness aspect, we need to properly focus on our breathing so that we can conserve our oxygen intake when running or learning how to breath in and out while lifting weights.  In yoga or mindfulness practices, breathing is one of thee main concentrations in order to achieve a sort of balance.  But overall, breathing is an essential because we need to in order to live.

  In recent events to where the quote "I can't breath" is now a world wide and well known phrase that people just don't say, but is a statement of how important a breath can be.  A man named George Floyd could not breath because of a police officer who used excessive force to apprehend this man but also use illogical technique of putting his knee on the back of George's neck which constricted not just oxygen but blood flow causing him to die.  The other cops involved in this incident were watching as "bystanders" and did not take action or precaution to what the officer was doing to him.  For years, there has been a lack of information to accusations especially towards the African American community and have been continued discrimination throughout history in regards to equality.  I believe in this movement of "Black Lives Matters" because we've all been waiting for change for so long.  As a person of culture, brown color, and parents who were immigrants who came from another country with the hopes of a better life for generations; we need to make this stand together to finally make this happen.  This also includes feminism, LGBTQ, and to stop racism.  We live in a world were we should be more accepting, continue to grow, learn, and teach people especially the youth about how important we all are.  We are the human race consisted of all cultures, religions, nationalities, ethnicities, beliefs, colors, and more.  Yes all lives matter, but at this point in time we need to realize that it's about coming together to help support by making the world a better place and we can't do that without making sure that BLM succeeds.  We need to better understand ourselves through this and I know we can overcome these challenges but need to keep pushing forward.

  On top of breathing, we still have to deal with this pandemic going on too.  The Corona Virus is spreads most often by respiratory droplets but the virus can survive for a short period on some surfaces.  The common causes are mild upper-respiratory tract illnesses with reported illnesses having ranged from mild to severe, including cases that have resulted in death.  We now wear these masks as accessories and a vital act of protection against the spread of COVID.  But we have heard enough of this as it has taken many lives but also has changed the way we do things normally too.  We talk about breathing when this is taking so many breaths away too... literally we can't be near our family and friends without social distancing or do go about our day like we use to because of the fear of contracting this.  It's a very scary feeling especially worried more so for my family and friends who are in the health care industry.  I just hope a vaccine is created and is distributed to everyone for free.  There's just so much to even imagine in regards to if they finally do and will it work for all of us... we just have to try and take a breath and relax as best as we can.

  Within these past few months, there has been so much going on with riots, protesting, COVID, people losing their jobs, the sudden chance to distance learning for education, businesses going out of business, and an outpour of people wanting change. I always try to look at the positives to outweigh the negatives, but we all comprehend information differently.  We have to make choices but not be held back as we have priorities such as our kids, careers, family, community, God, etc.  The decisions we make in life we always have to think about with hopefully no regrets which is why I miss being a kid.  This made me realize how important our breath is...

  As a physical education instructor, coach for multiple sports, personal trainer (adults), athletics coordinator, and program director that means I'm always working with the youth, community, and living in the bay area means a diverse group of individuals.  I teach them the importance of fitness but also love to learn about their backgrounds as I have always been fascinated by learning who they are as a person through their culture and family.  Since I grew up with having a multicultural family consisting of Filipino, Hawaiian, Black, White, Hispanic, and more it was always a fun time gathering at parties as I got to witness how we all came together as a family.  That's how I treat my student athletes as an extension of my family.

  We have to be thankful for what we have and what else we can do to adapt or become better.  I feel that during this time, I'm able to reflect more on myself and focus on goals I want to achieve.  Current events become new topics for me to teach my daughters about which is another benefit in processing whats going on in the world as I hope to instill those important values, ethics, morals, and have not just my kids but students plus youth athletes understand the importance of asking questions to take in the information and continue learning.  Thats how we grow and become better by experience and opportunities to succeed.  In the end we all want equality, a world of peace, and to be happy.  We just have to take some time to breath...



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